Chanel Iman and Tyga are officially a couple. In the May '09 issue of Vogue they are featured in a layout called "Meet the Models Boyfriends". I think that they make a good couple. The only down side is that he's short and she's super tall (he needs a ladder. lol). I personally need a beau that's taller than me but whatever floats your boat.
these gucci shoes are so f'n hot. i want them. no, i have to have them... i'm going to get them... sike. they're freakin $595. are u fxcking kidding me? I guess that's the price you have to pay for happiness.
aww. my super boo pharrell is growing up (even though he's 36 y.o.) by getting his tattoos lasered off. Painful much? I personally think that he looks sexy/hot with or without the tats. (The one on his neck is the sexiest) ;-D